Hero Electric Vehicles 因与 Metro Tyres 的 1.8 亿卢比债务纠纷进入破产程序。 Hero Electric Vehicles enters insolvency process over ₹1.8 crore debt dispute with Metro Tyres.
新德里国家公司法法庭(NCLT)在Metro Tyres就1.8 crore的未付欠款提出请愿后,将英雄电气车辆纳入公司破产解决程序(CIRP)。 The National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) in New Delhi has admitted Hero Electric Vehicles into a Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process (CIRP) after Metro Tyres filed a petition over unpaid dues of ₹1.8 crore. 电动汽车制造商Hero Electrical, 面临未满足政府补贴要求的指控, 并向经销商欠了约400-500克朗。 Hero Electric, an electric vehicle manufacturer, faces accusations of not meeting government subsidy requirements and owes around ₹400-500 crore to its dealers. 国家立法院已任命了一个临时决议专业人员来管理这一进程。 The NCLT has appointed an interim resolution professional to manage the process.