前Cedars-Sinai工人以非法解雇和烧伤歧视为由提起诉讼。 Former Cedars-Sinai worker sues for wrongful termination and discrimination over burnout.
Cedars-Sinai医疗中心前外科技术人员Francine Urias以非法终止手术和残疾歧视起诉医院。 Francine Urias, a former surgical technologist at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, has sued the hospital for wrongful termination and disability discrimination. 拥有 20 多年经验的 Urias 声称,她在报告因人手不足和要求提供住宿而倦怠后被解雇。 Urias, with over 20 years of experience, claims she was fired after reporting burnout due to understaffing and requesting accommodations. 她声称工作评价和审查不公平,导致焦虑和抑郁。 She alleges unfair job evaluations and scrutiny, leading to anxiety and depression. 医院未对诉讼做出评论。 The hospital has not commented on the lawsuit.