包括一名正在服刑的囚犯在内的五人被控共谋分销甲基安非他明和芬太尼。 Five people, including a serving inmate, are indicted for conspiracy to distribute meth and fentanyl.
五人,包括一名囚犯Jawan Rayel White, 被南卡罗来纳州联邦大陪审团起诉, 罪名是共谋分销甲基苯丙胺和芬太尼。 Five individuals, including an inmate Jawan Rayel White, have been indicted by a federal grand jury in South Carolina for conspiracy to distribute methamphetamine and fentanyl. 怀特因分销毒品被判处 25 年徒刑,据称与 Derrell Sherald、Amon Rasheem Rutledge、Alexis Nicole Loscar 和 Christian Vargas 合作。 White, serving a 25-year sentence for drug distribution, allegedly coordinated with Derrell Sherald, Amon Rasheem Rutledge, Alexis Nicole Loscar, and Christian Vargas. 由缉毒署、邮政检查署和SCDC调查的这一案件可能导致被告最高可判处终身监禁的徒刑。 The case, investigated by the DEA, Postal Inspection Service, and SCDC, could result in maximum sentences of up to life in prison for the defendants.