消防员从波特兰发生的一起燃烧的车祸中救出了一名妇女;后来她被引证为酒后驾车。 Firefighters rescued a woman from a burning car crash in Portland; she was later cited for DUI.
波特兰消防员和警察在星期一晚上在斯科特大道和112大道山坠毁后,从一辆燃烧的汽车中救出了一名47岁的妇女。 Portland firefighters and police rescued a 47-year-old woman from a burning car after a crash on Monday evening at Mount Scott Boulevard and 112th Avenue. 那女人被困着着火 打了911 导致救援人员打破挡风玻璃把她拉出来 The woman, trapped and on fire, called 911, leading responders to break the windshield and pull her out. 她当时在现场接受治疗,并因重伤住院。 She was treated at the scene and hospitalized with serious injuries. 后来,这位妇女因在影响下驾车而被指证。 The woman was later cited for driving under the influence.