农民死亡,在电线落在Odisha的农田上后庄稼被毁,引发反弹。 Farmer dies, crops destroyed after electric wire falls on farmland in Odisha, sparking backlash.
奥里萨邦 Bhadrak 区一位名叫 Pramad Das 的农民在触碰掉到他农田上的带电电线后死亡,引发了一场大火,烧毁了大约两英亩的庄稼。 A farmer named Pramad Das in Odisha's Bhadrak district died after touching a live electric wire that fell onto his farmland, sparking a fire that destroyed about two acres of crops. 当地农民很愤怒, 责怪电力部门的疏忽。 Local farmers are angry, blaming the electricity department's negligence. 农民家庭正在就生命损失和作物受损寻求赔偿。 The farmer's family is seeking compensation for the loss of life and damaged crops. 警察正在维持该地区的秩序。 Police are maintaining order in the area.