梦想剧院在智利演唱了 "O Holy night", 与创始鼓手Mike Portnoy 结束他们的第40次纪念之旅。 Dream Theater performed "O Holy Night" in Chile, wrapping their 40th-anniversary tour with founding drummer Mike Portnoy.
前卫金属乐队 Dream Theater 在智利圣地亚哥以罕见的 “O Holy Night” 表演结束了他们的 2024 年巡演,这是他们 26 年来首次演绎这首圣诞经典歌曲。 Progressive metal band Dream Theater concluded their 2024 tour with a rare performance of "O Holy Night" in Santiago, Chile, marking their first rendition of the Christmas classic in 26 years. 乐队的巡演庆祝了他们成立40周年 与创始鼓手迈克·波特诺伊重聚 The band's tour celebrated their 40th anniversary and their reunion with founding drummer Mike Portnoy. 梦幻影院计划在2025年进行美国巡回演出,并将于2月7日发行他们与波特诺伊一起16年来的第一张专辑"Parasomnia". Dream Theater plans a U.S. tour for 2025 and will release their first album with Portnoy in 16 years, titled "Parasomnia," on February 7.