Bollywood明星Salman Khan的服装品牌 提供50%的折扣 庆祝他的生日, 支持他的基金会。 Bollywood star Salman Khan's clothing brand offers 50% off to celebrate his birthday, supporting his foundation.
与宝莱坞明星萨尔曼·汗 (Salman Khan) 的基金会有联系的 Being Human Clothing 将于 12 月 25 日至 27 日期间推出 50% 的折扣促销活动,以庆祝可汗的生日。 Being Human Clothing, linked to Bollywood star Salman Khan's foundation, is running a 50% off sale from December 25 to 27 to celebrate Khan's birthday. 促销活动叫做“Bhai ka Budday”, 推出由Khan启发的四种新香水, 并鼓励店主更新衣橱。 The sale, called "Bhai ka Budday," introduces four new perfumes inspired by Khan and encourages shoppers to update their wardrobes. 部分收益用于支持Salman Khan基金会的教育和保健倡议。 Part of the proceeds supports the Salman Khan Foundation's education and healthcare initiatives.