《绝命毒师》中的女演员贝茜·布兰特 (Betsy Brandt) 在结婚 26 年后提出离婚。 Betsy Brandt, actress from "Breaking Bad," files for divorce after 26 years of marriage.
Acsesses Betsy Brandt, 以她在“破碎的坏蛋”中的角色而著称, 要求与她二十多年来的丈夫Grady Olsen离婚, Grady Olsen引述“无法调和的差异”。 Actress Betsy Brandt, known for her role in "Breaking Bad," has filed for divorce from her husband of over two decades, Grady Olsen, citing "irreconcilable differences." 一年多前他们分居,而Brandt在没有律师在场的情况下提出诉讼,正在寻求对其16岁的儿子August的监护权。 They separated over a year ago, and Brandt, who filed without a lawyer, is seeking custody of their 16-year-old son, August. 这对夫妇自1998年以来结过婚,将需要分割他们的资产,尽管不清楚他们是否有婚前协议。 The couple, married since 1998, will need to divide their assets, though it's unclear if they have a prenuptial agreement.