演员Karan V Grover在YouTube上报导他在新的关系剧“Dil Ko Rafuu Karr Lei”中的角色, Actor Karan V Grover talks about his role in new relationship drama "Dil Ko Rafuu Karr Lei," airing on YouTube.
演员Karan V Grover谈到了他在Dreamiyata Dramaa的YouTube频道上播放的新节目"Dil Ko Rafuu Karr Lei"中的伊珊角色. Actor Karan V Grover speaks about his role as Ishan in the new show "Dil Ko Rafuu Karr Lei," streaming on Dreamiyata Dramaa's YouTube channel. 该系列的重点是一对已婚夫妇的挣扎。 The series focuses on a married couple's struggles. Grover 赞扬了他的联合主演 Ayesha Khan 的技能和在片场的化学反应,并赞扬了制片人 Ravie Dubey 和 Sargun Mehta 的专业精神和远见卓识。 Grover praises his co-star Ayesha Khan for her skills and on-set chemistry, and commends producers Ravie Dubey and Sargun Mehta for their professionalism and vision. 节目每周一和周三播放。 The show airs every Monday and Wednesday.