Winnipeg警方正在寻找失踪的人Davis Hickaway, 最后一次在12月19日出现在该市的Elmwood地区。 Winnipeg police are searching for missing man Davis Hickaway, last seen on Dec. 19 in the city's Elmwood area.
Winnipeg警察局正在寻求帮助,寻找36岁的Davis Hickaway失踪的下落,最后一次见到他是12月19日在Winnipeg的Elmwood地区。 The Winnipeg Police Service is seeking help to locate missing 36-year-old Davis Hickaway, last seen on December 19 in Winnipeg's Elmwood area. 希卡威身高 6 英尺 2 英寸,黑发棕色眼睛,穿着黑色高能见度夹克、军绿色毛衣和黑色皮靴。 Hickaway, 6'2" with black hair and brown eyes, was wearing a black high-visibility jacket, army green sweater, and black leather boots. 他的车辆在Winnipeg以东的Reynolds被发现。 His vehicle was found in Reynolds, east of Winnipeg. 警方担心他的安全,要求任何人提供情报,在204-986-6250与失踪人员股联系。 Police are concerned for his safety and ask anyone with information to contact the Missing Persons Unit at 204-986-6250.