在Telangana湖发现的三具尸体,包括一名警察;死因不明。 Three bodies, including a police constable, found in Telangana lake; cause of death unknown.
三个人,包括一名女警察、副督察Sai Kumar和一名计算机操作员,被发现死在Telangana Kamareddy区的一个湖中。 Three individuals, including a woman police constable, Sub-Inspector Sai Kumar, and a computer operator, were found dead in a lake in Kamareddy district, Telangana. 周三他们的电话被关机后,他们据报失踪。 They were reported missing after their phones were switched off on Wednesday. 他们的尸体是通过移动电话定位数据被发现的。 Their bodies were discovered through mobile phone location data. 目前正在进行彻底调查,以确定死亡是否是由于自杀、意外溺水或犯规行为所致。 A thorough investigation is underway to determine if the deaths were due to suicide, accidental drowning, or foul play. 定时进行验尸,以确定死亡的确切原因。 Post-mortem examinations are scheduled to ascertain the exact cause of death.