泰国采用中国的智能农业技术,以提高农业效率和可持续性。 Thailand adopts China's smart farming tech to boost agriculture efficiency and sustainability.
泰国正在采用中国的智能农业技术实现农业现代化,这是一个重要的部门和主要橡胶生产国。 Thailand is adopting China's smart farming technology to modernize its agriculture, a key sector and major rubber producer. 在Kanchanaburi省,30名农民使用Huida Tech的自动驾驶系统,降低成本并提高效率。 In Kanchanaburi Province, 30 farmers use Huida Tech's autopilot system, reducing costs and improving efficiency. 该公司计划在泰国建立一个创新中心,提供更聪明的农作解决方案,包括无人驾驶飞机和灌溉系统,以促进可持续农业增长。 The company plans to build an innovation center in Thailand to offer more smart farming solutions, including drones and irrigation systems, aiming to foster sustainable agricultural growth.