Springfield警方寻求公众的帮助 寻找失踪的人Jeremy登记册, 最后一次看到是在5月。 Springfield police seek public's help to locate missing man Jeremy Register, last seen in May.
Springfield警察局正在寻求公众帮助,寻找失踪者Jeremy Register的下落。 Jeremy Register是一名36岁的白人男性,最后一次见到他是5月。 The Springfield Police Department is seeking public help to locate missing person Jeremy Register, a 36-year-old white male last seen in May. Register身高 5 英尺 10 英寸,体重 180 磅,棕色头发和眼睛,没有与家人联系,这很不寻常。 Register, who stands 5'10" and weighs 180 pounds with brown hair and eyes, has not been in contact with his family, which is unusual. 当局正在敦促任何掌握其行踪的人匿名联系犯罪制止者217-788-8427。 Authorities are urging anyone with information about his whereabouts to contact Crime Stoppers anonymously at 217-788-8427.