向密尔瓦基的71岁失踪的Carolyn Thompson发出银色警报;此后她已安全被发现。 Silver Alert issued for missing 71-year-old Carolyn Thompson in Milwaukee; she has since been found safe.
卡罗琳·安·汤普森(Carolyn Ann Thompson)是一位71岁、有记忆问题的妇女,12月26日从Milwaukee报告失踪。 A Silver Alert was issued for Carolyn Ann Thompson, a 71-year-old woman with memory issues, reported missing from Milwaukee on December 26. 她最后一次露面是在午夜时分,在 69 街和 Grantosa 附近,被描述为一名 5 英尺 6 英寸的黑人女性,体重 130 磅,有棕色的辫子和棕色的眼睛。 She was last seen around midnight near 69th and Grantosa, described as a 5'6" Black female, 130 lbs, with brown dreadlocks and brown eyes. 汤普森可能穿着白色北面夹克 白色阿迪达斯裤子 红色的Ugg靴子 Thompson may be wearing a white North Face jacket, white Adidas pants, and red Ugg boots. Milwaukee警察局促请公众向414-935-7242号电话提供任何信息。 The Milwaukee Police Department urges the public to call 414-935-7242 with any information. 从那时起,她就被安全地找到 She has since been found safe.