科学家利用冲击波开发无针注射器,有望提供无痛药物。 Scientists develop needle-free syringe using shock waves, promising painless drug delivery.
IIT Bombay的研究人员利用冲击波创建了无针注射器,无针注射器提供无痛药品,其皮肤损伤比传统针头小。 Researchers at IIT Bombay created a needle-free syringe using shock waves that deliver drugs painlessly and with less skin damage than traditional needles. 这一创新可以帮助恐惧针头的人和经常注射的人,如糖尿病患者。 This innovation could help people with needle phobia and frequent injectors like diabetes patients. 注射器有效测试大鼠,使用高压波无疼痛地穿透皮肤,减少感染风险,促进更快的愈合。 The syringe, effective in tests on rats, uses high-pressure waves to penetrate the skin without pain, reducing infection risks and promoting faster healing.