俄罗斯逮捕了四人,指控他们密谋暗杀乌克兰高级军官。 Russia arrests four for allegedly plotting to assassinate senior military officials for Ukraine.
俄罗斯联邦安全局已经逮捕了四人,他们被指控计划代表乌克兰暗杀俄罗斯高级军官。 Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB) has arrested four individuals accused of planning to assassinate senior Russian military officials on behalf of Ukraine. 据称嫌疑人计划使用藏在信封中的汽车炸弹和爆炸装置。 The suspects allegedly planned to use car bombs and explosive devices hidden in envelopes. 在此之前,俄罗斯一名上将最近被杀害,两国关系紧张加剧。 This comes after the recent killing of a top Russian general, increasing tensions between the two countries. 联邦安全局没有透露目标官员的身份。 The FSB did not reveal the identities of the targeted officials.