巴基斯坦的目标是以190,000多名已查明的逃税者为对象,促进税收。 Pakistan aims to boost tax collection by targeting over 190,000 identified tax evaders.
巴基斯坦FBR报告税收差距超过7.1万亿卢比,所得税差距为2.4万亿卢比。 Pakistan's FBR reports a tax gap exceeding Rs7.1 trillion, with the income tax gap at Rs2.4 trillion. 政府的目标是将税收与国内生产总值的比率从9%-10%提高到13.5%,办法是针对逃税者和使非正规部门正规化。 The government aims to raise the tax-to-GDP ratio from 9-10% to 13.5% by targeting tax evaders and formalizing the informal sector. 联邦边防局向19 000人发出了通知,38 000人提交了总计37 707万卢比的回返报告。 The FBR has issued notices to 19,000 people, with 38,000 submitting returns totaling Rs370.7 million. 印度也在打击逃税行为,开展了3 000多项调查,并加强了纳税人的数字服务。 India is also cracking down on tax evasion, conducting over 3,000 surveys and enhancing digital services for taxpayers. 巴基斯坦已查明约有190 000名逃税者欠600亿卢比。 Pakistan has identified around 190,000 tax evaders owing Rs60 billion.