果的11R获得了OxygenOS 15更新, 带来了新的AI功能,视觉效果和改进的照片编辑. OnePlus 11R gets OxygenOS 15 update with new AI features, visuals, and improved photo editing.
OnePlus 11R正在接收基于Android 15的 OxygenOS 15 更新,配有强化图形、人工智能特征,如反射光和背景回复,以及改进的视觉,如新设计的图标和圆角。 The OnePlus 11R is receiving the OxygenOS 15 update, based on Android 15, with enhanced graphics, AI features like Reflection Eraser and Contextual Reply, and improved visuals such as newly designed icons and rounded corners. 其他更新包括延长现场照片持续时间、加强照片编辑能力以及能够用iOS设备传输文件。 Other updates include extended Live Photo duration, photo editing enhancements, and the ability to transfer files with iOS devices. 更新工作正在分批推出,从印度开始。 The update is rolling out in batches, starting in India.