尼日利亚海军在翁多州沿海拦截了10万公升失窃石油的船只。 Nigerian Navy intercepts boat with 100,000 liters of stolen oil off Ondo State coast.
尼日利亚海军在翁多州沿海截获了一艘载有约100 000公升被盗原油的船只。 The Nigerian Navy intercepted a boat carrying about 100,000 liters of stolen crude oil off the coast of Ondo State. 海军快速反应小组根据情报采取行动,在肇事者逃离时扣押了该船。 Acting on intelligence, the Navy's Quick Response Team seized the vessel as the perpetrators fled. 抽取了一些石油样本进行测试,对当地居民进行了关于支持非法盗窃石油的危险性的教育,强调了尼日利亚目前存在的石油掩体问题。 A sample of the oil was taken for testing, and local residents were educated on the dangers of supporting illegal oil theft, highlighting the ongoing issue of oil bunkering in Nigeria.