北约呼吁调查阿塞拜疆航空公司在哈萨克斯坦的坠机事件,造成38人死亡。 NATO calls for investigation into Azerbaijan Airlines crash in Kazakhstan that killed 38.
北约呼吁彻底调查阿塞拜疆航空公司在哈萨克斯坦Aktau附近发生的飞机坠毁事件,造成38人死亡。 NATO has called for a thorough investigation into the Azerbaijan Airlines plane crash near Aktau, Kazakhstan, which resulted in the deaths of 38 people. 北约发言人Farah Dakhlallah通过社交媒体向飞行的家属和受害者表示慰问,强调需要了解坠机原因。 NATO spokesperson Farah Dakhlallah expressed condolences to the families and victims of the flight via social media, emphasizing the need to understand the cause of the crash.