母亲在海啸毁坏的丛林中生下婴儿;儿子现在梦想着研究海洋。 Mother delivers baby in tsunami-devastated jungle; son now dreams of studying oceans.
纳米塔·罗伊20年前在安达曼和尼科巴群岛一个蛇肉横行的丛林里生下她的儿子,即海啸。 2004年的海啸摧毁了她的房子。 Namita Roy gave birth to her son, Tsunami, in a snake-infested jungle in Andaman and Nicobar Islands 20 years ago, after the 2004 tsunami destroyed her home. 没有医疗帮助,她在当地妇女的协助下分娩。 Without medical help, she delivered her baby with the assistance of local women. 家人在丛林中度过了四晚才获救。 The family spent four nights in the jungle before being rescued. 如今,海啸渴望成为一名海洋学家,他的母亲经营着一项名为“海啸厨房”的食品供应服务。 Today, Tsunami aspires to become an oceanographer, and his mother runs a food delivery service named "Tsunami Kitchen."