在新南威尔士莫雷,土地所有者因清理475公顷的本地植被,伤害濒危物种,被罚款681K美元。 Landholders in Moree, NSW, fined $681K for clearing 475 hectares of native vegetation, harming endangered species.
新南威尔士州莫雷土地所有者因2017年2月至8月期间非法清理475公顷本地植被而被定罪,毁坏濒危物种的栖息地。 Landholders in Moree, NSW, were convicted for illegally clearing 475 hectares of native vegetation between February and August 2017, destroying habitats for endangered species. 他们被罚款681 000美元,其中包括起诉费用和对养护努力的贡献。 They were fined $681,000, which includes prosecution costs and a contribution to conservation efforts. 该案强调了为生物多样性和生态系统健康保护本地植被的重要性。 The case underscores the importance of protecting native vegetation for biodiversity and ecosystem health.