在刺伤成年熟人后于圣诞节在伯利恒被捕的少年嫌疑人。 Juvenile suspect arrested in Bethlehem on Christmas Day after stabbing an adult acquaintance.
一名青少年嫌疑人在刺杀事件发生后的圣诞节在宾夕法尼亚州伯利恒被捕。 A juvenile suspect was arrested in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, on Christmas Day after a stabbing incident. 受害人是一名成年男性,伤势无生命危险,他认出了逃离现场但很快被发现的嫌疑人。 The victim, an adult male with non-life-threatening injuries, identified the suspect, who had fled the scene but was quickly found. 警方证实受害人和嫌疑人互相认识 事件不是随机的 Police confirmed the victim and suspect knew each other, and the incident was not random. 由于嫌疑人的年龄,进一步的细节没有公布。 Due to the suspect's age, further details are not being released.