约旦农民在为2025年做准备时, 面临成本不断攀升且天气难以预测的问题。 Jordan's farmers face rising costs and unpredictable weather as they prepare for 2025.
约旦农民正为新年做准备, Jordan's farmers are preparing for the new year amid rising costs and unpredictable weather. 挑战包括因降雨不规律和利润率挤压而推迟种植。 Challenges include delayed planting due to irregular rains and squeezed profit margins. 约旦谷地农民联盟主席Adnan Khaddam敦促政府通过补贴、供水基础设施和出口设施提供更好的支助,以帮助该部门在2025年蓬勃发展。 Adnan Khaddam, head of the Jordan Valley Farmers Union, urges the government to provide better support through subsidies, water infrastructure, and export facilities to help the sector thrive in 2025.