以色列放松了加沙战争期间的接战规则,允许对平民构成高风险的攻击。 Israel relaxed rules of engagement during Gaza war, allowing attacks with high civilian risk.
《纽约时报》报道,在加沙战争期间,以色列放松了军事接战规则,允许造成平民伤亡风险更高的攻击。 The New York Times reported that during the Gaza war, Israel loosened its military rules of engagement, allowing attacks that posed a higher risk of civilian casualties. 中层军官被授权打击多达20名平民可能面临危险的目标,在某些情况下后来增加到100名。 Mid-ranking officers were granted authority to strike targets where up to 20 civilians could be at risk, later increased to 100 in some cases. 军事扩大目标清单,使用不准确的炸弹,依靠有缺陷的风险评估,导致大量平民伤亡。 The military expanded target lists, used inaccurate bombs, and relied on flawed risk assessments, leading to a significant number of civilian casualties. 11月,规则更加严格,但仍然比战争前更为宽松。 The rules were tightened in November but remained more permissive than before the war.