一名印度尼西亚母亲就其儿子的公民身份要求向马来西亚联邦法院提出上诉。 An Indonesian mother appeals to Malaysia's Federal Court for her son's citizenship claim.
一名印度尼西亚妇女正在寻求马来西亚联邦法院的许可,以便对拒绝其第二儿子要求马来西亚公民身份的请求的裁决提出上诉。 An Indonesian woman is seeking permission from Malaysia's Federal Court to appeal a decision that denied her second son's claim to Malaysian citizenship. 在她儿子申请马来西亚身份证后,由于他与父亲的相貌不相像,对他的申请受到质疑,上诉法院先前驳回了她关于法院宣布她儿子的公民身份的请求。 The Court of Appeal previously dismissed her request for a court declaration of her son’s citizenship after his application for a Malaysian identity card was questioned due to his physical resemblance not matching his father’s. 该妇女的律师于12月23日提出上诉请求。 The woman’s lawyer filed the appeal request on December 23.