Hacker通过Animoca Brands共同创始人的 X 虚假账户促销假的MOCA代币。 Hacker promotes fake MOCA token via compromised X account of Animoca Brands' co-founder.
Animoca Brands的共同创始人Yat Siu的X账户被黑入了。 Yat Siu, co-founder of Animoca Brands, had his X account hacked. 攻击者在Solana区块链上推广了一个假的MOCA代币. The attackers promoted a fake MOCA token on the Solana blockchain. Animoca Brands警告说,他们没有发出任何官方告示或NFT,并敦促用户避免与失密账户接触。 Animoca Brands warned that they are not launching any official token or NFT and urged users to avoid engaging with the compromised account. 黑客很可能是通过网络钓鱼邮件发生的。 The hack likely occurred through a phishing email. 尽管受到剥削,Animoca Brands、Moca Network和MOCA基金会的官方账户仍然安全。 Despite the exploit, the official accounts of Animoca Brands, Moca Network, and MOCA Foundation remain secure.