八岁女孩失踪 她家的SUV在圣诞节前夕 在德克萨斯洪水中坠毁 Eight-year-old girl missing after her family's SUV crashed in Texas floodwaters on Christmas Eve.
一名8岁的俄克拉荷马女孩在圣诞节前夕 在她家人的SUV坠入 德克萨斯州谢尔曼的排水沟后 仍然失踪 An 8-year-old Oklahoma girl remains missing after her family's SUV crashed into a flooded drainage ditch in Sherman, Texas, on Christmas Eve. 四名家庭成员获救,但她父亲死亡。 Four family members were rescued, but her father died. 搜寻工作已覆盖了附近几英里的小溪,但没有成功,搜索工作将继续进行。 Search efforts have covered miles of nearby creeks without success, and the search will continue. 德克萨斯州州长批准了州团队的协助,当局正在调查打滑是导致车祸的原因。 The Texas governor approved state teams to assist, and authorities are investigating hydroplaning as a cause of the crash.