英国的司机因穿戴妨碍控制或视力的物品而面临高达1,000英镑的罚款。 Drivers in the UK face up to £1,000 fines for wearing items that hinder control or vision.
根据《公路法》,身着手套、大衣、围巾或帽子的司机,如果妨碍控制或能见度,可面临1 000英镑的罚款和最多3个罚款点的许可证。 Drivers wearing gloves, coats, scarves, or hats that hinder control or visibility can face a £1,000 fine and up to three penalty points on their license, according to the Highway Code. 《道路交通法》进一步警告说,任何阻碍视力的行为都可被视为一种危险,法院的罚款将升至1 000英镑。 The Road Traffic Act further warns that anything obstructing vision can be deemed a hazard, with fines escalating to £1,000 in court. 专家建议司机确保其服装不会损害其安全驾驶能力。 Experts advise drivers to ensure their clothing does not impair their ability to drive safely.