DRI从抵达艾哈迈达巴德机场的一位旅行者手中缴获了3公斤藏在空气压缩机中的黄金。 DRI seized 3 kg of gold hidden in air compressors from a traveler arriving at Ahmedabad airport.
税务情报局在艾哈迈达巴德国际机场查获了3公斤价值2.35卢比的黄金,发现这些黄金藏在两个小型压缩机的活塞口。 The Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI) seized 3 kg of gold worth Rs 2.35 crore at Ahmedabad's international airport after finding it hidden in the piston cavities of two mini air compressors. 这批黄金是从一名从曼谷抵达的印度国民手中截获的。 The gold was intercepted from an Indian national arriving from Bangkok. 这一事件是DRI打击黄金走私努力的一部分,2024年在艾哈迈达巴德和苏拉特机场共缉获93公斤以上。 This incident is part of DRI's efforts to combat gold smuggling, with seizures totaling over 93 kg in 2024 across Ahmedabad and Surat airports.