根据Bloomberg的统计,CLOU电子公司在最大的能源储存供应商中名列前茅,随着新办事处的设立在全球范围扩展。 CLOU Electronics ranked among top energy storage providers by Bloomberg, expanding globally with new offices.
Bloomberg新能源融资公司(BNEF)在2024年的银行可担保评级中将CLOU电子公司评为高排名,这突出表明了该公司在能源储存解决方案方面的实力。 CLOU Electronics has been ranked highly by Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF) in its 2024 Bankability Rankings, highlighting the company's strength in energy storage solutions. 在能源储存第1级清单和关于Q4 2024的PCS和Inverer第1级清单中均确认,CLOU提供一系列可靠的产品,供公用事业和商业使用。 Recognized in both the Energy Storage Tier 1 List and the PCS and Inverter Tier 1 List for Q4 2024, CLOU offers a range of reliable products for utility-scale and commercial use. 该公司正在扩大其全球存在,在达拉斯、得克萨斯和德国设有新的子公司。 The company is expanding its global presence, with new subsidiaries in Dallas, Texas, and Germany.