圣路易斯的切斯特菲尔德购物中心被拆毁,其未来还不明朗,因为购物者反省其关闭情况。 Chesterfield Mall in St. Louis is demolished, its future unclear as shoppers reflect on its closure.
密苏里州圣路易斯的切斯特菲尔德购物中心曾经是一个主要购物目的地,现已被拆毁,自10月份这一进程开始以来已变成废墟。 The Chesterfield Mall in St. Louis, Missouri, once a major shopping destination, has been demolished, reduced to rubble since the process began in October. 参与拆除的一家公司Luby设备公司分享了该进展的照片和视频。 Luby Equipment, a company involved in the demolition, has shared photos and videos of the progress. 虽然商场的关闭引起了长期购物者的情绪反应,但该场址的未来仍不明朗。 While the mall's closure has prompted emotional responses from longtime shoppers, the future of the site remains unknown.