Boots 推出冬季特卖,飞利浦和 Kylie Jenner 等美容品牌最高可享受 50% 的折扣。 Boots launches winter sale with up to 50% off on beauty brands like Philips and Kylie Jenner.
Boots 推出了一项重大的冬季促销活动,飞利浦和 Kylie Jenner 等顶级品牌最高可享受 50% 的折扣。 Boots has launched a major winter sale with up to 50% off on top brands like Philips and Kylie Jenner. 销售包括除毛设备、礼品、香料、按摩工具和胡子护理物品的折扣。 The sale includes discounts on hair removal devices, gift sets, fragrances, massage tools, and beard care items. 值得注意的是,Philips Lumea头发摘除装置被折扣了210英镑。 Notably, the Philips Lumea hair removal device is discounted by £210. 其他零售商,如Liz Earle、Fenty和7号等,也在冬季销售期间提供大量折扣。 Other retailers such as Liz Earle, Fenty, and No7 are also offering substantial discounts during their winter sales.