出版一本介绍习近平对中国统一战线工作的看法的书,旨在指导党员和官员。 A book outlining Xi Jinping's views on China's united front work is published, aimed at guiding Party members and officials.
人民出版社在全国发行了一本书,详述了习近平对中国共产党统一战线工作的看法。 A book detailing Xi Jinping's thoughts on the Communist Party of China's united front work has been published nationwide by the People's Publishing House. 其目的是系统地了解习近平对促进该领域高质量发展的看法,包括工作的实质、意义、作用和执行。 It aims to provide a systematic understanding of Xi's views on promoting high-quality developments in this area, covering the essence, significance, role, and implementation of the work. 这本书为党员、官员和公众提供了资源。 The book serves as a resource for Party members, officials, and the public.