阿塞拜疆剧院领导人齐聚一堂,振兴地区剧院,并启动一个新的“客座剧院”项目。 Azerbaijani theater leaders meet to rejuvenate regional theaters and launch a new "Guest Theater" project.
阿塞拜疆戏剧工作者工会成员在斯里兰卡与当地文化领袖和戏剧团体会面, 讨论该国剧院的状况。 Members of Azerbaijan's Theater Workers Union met in Lankaran with local culture leaders and theater groups to discuss the state of the country's theaters. 他们的重点是振兴地区剧院和2023年5月启动的一个新的“Guest剧场”项目。 They focused on reviving regional theaters and a new "Guest Theater" project launched in May 2023. 会议期间,几位当地艺术家获得了荣誉文凭。 Several local artists received honorary diplomas during the meeting.