锡安·威廉姆森在两月的腿筋受伤后, 接近回到新奥尔良队. Zion Williamson nears return to New Orleans Pelicans after two-month hamstring injury hiatus.
新奥尔良Pellicans明星Zion Williamson 即将返回玩耍, 因为他被割断腿的伤势挡住了近两个月。 New Orleans Pelicans star Zion Williamson is nearing a return to play after a hamstring injury sidelined him for nearly two months. 他星期二开始了恢复阶段,预计下周将恢复全面工作,尽管具体返回日期尚未确定。 He started the recovery phase Tuesday and is expected to resume full practice next week, though a specific return date is not set. 威廉森因为受伤 错过了半场正常赛季比赛 他本季只打了六场比赛 Williamson, who has missed over half of his possible regular-season games due to injuries, has only played six games this season. 佩利卡人目前有5-25个记录,希望他的返回将提高他们的表现。 The Pelicans, currently with a 5-25 record, hope his return will boost their performance.