美国农业部停止了美国从墨西哥的牛进口,因为有螺丝虫;农场设备销售也下降。 USDA halts US cattle imports from Mexico due to screwworm; farm equipment sales also drop.
美国农业部已暂停美国从墨西哥的牛进口,因为发现了新世界螺丝虫,预计新年后进口将逐渐恢复。 The USDA has suspended US cattle imports from Mexico due to the discovery of the New World screwworm, with imports expected to resume gradually after the New Year. 设备制造商协会报告说,与去年同期相比,11月美国拖拉机和综合销售下降,分别下降14.5%和24%。 The Association of Equipment Manufacturers reported a decline in US tractor and combine sales in November, down 14.5% and 24% respectively, compared to the same period last year. 工业专家将这一下降归因于高利率和农业的经济不确定性。 Industry experts attribute the decline to high interest rates and economic uncertainty in agriculture.