英国当局缴获价值4 200万英镑的可卡因,并用一艘充气船抓获了一个贩毒团伙。 UK authorities seized £42M worth of cocaine and caught a drug gang using an inflatable boat.
联合王国国家犯罪署逮捕了一个贩毒团伙,他们利用一艘充气艇走私价值4 200万英镑的可卡因。 The UK's National Crime Agency apprehended a drug gang involved in smuggling £42 million worth of cocaine using an inflatable boat. 这项行动突出了目前通过创新和欺骗性方法打击毒品贩运的努力。 This operation highlights the ongoing efforts to combat drug trafficking through innovative and deceptive methods.