UAE Wooden动力艇锦标赛在Khorfakkan开赛, 突显当地海洋遗产和才华。 The UAE Wooden Powerboat Championship kicks off in Khorfakkan, highlighting local maritime heritage and talent.
UAE Wooden动力艇锦标赛(又称Shawahif)将于12月28日在Khorfakkan开始, The UAE Wooden Powerboat Championship, known as the Shawahif, will start on December 28 in Khorfakkan as part of the Khorfakkan Marine Festival. 这次活动由沙迦国际海洋体育俱乐部组织,由MAG Group赞助,突出阿联酋的海洋遗产,并通过赛事管理方案支持当地人才。 Organized by the Sharjah International Marine Sports Club and sponsored by MAG Group, the event highlights the UAE's maritime heritage and supports local talent through race officiating programs. 阿联酋海洋体育联合会旨在培训更多的阿联酋人管理这些活动。 The UAE Marine Sports Federation aims to train more Emiratis in managing such events.