Singer Sarah Reeves从她的新专辑《更多Merrier》中 发行了节日单曲《欢乐圣诞节》 Singer Sarah Reeves releases holiday single "Holly Jolly Christmas" from her new album "More the Merrier."
Singer Sarah Reeves, 以她所拍的《更多够了》而闻名, 她从她的专辑《更多Merrier》中 发行了一部新的节日单曲《欢乐圣诞》。 Singer Sarah Reeves, known for her hit "More Than Enough," has released a new holiday single, "Holly Jolly Christmas," from her album "More the Merrier." 这首歌在纳什维尔与一支现场爵士乐队录制,并被她的唱片公司选为单曲. Recorded in Nashville with a live jazz band, the song was selected as a single by her record company. Reeves将在得克萨斯州与她的新丈夫一起过圣诞节, 导演Bill McAdams, 她在拍摄他的电影《上帝在这里》时遇见了他。 Reeves will spend Christmas in Texas with her new husband, director Bill McAdams, whom she met while filming his movie "God's Here." 他们都经历过之前的离婚 他们对彼此的关系 表示极大的欢乐 Both having experienced previous divorces, they express immense joy in their relationship.