Samajwadi党领袖批评北方邦筹备印度教大朝圣Mahakumbh。 Samajwadi Party chief criticizes Uttar Pradesh's preparations for the Mahakumbh, a major Hindu pilgrimage.
Samajwadi党领袖Akhilesh Yadav批评北方邦政府为即将在普拉塔格拉杰举行的Mahakumbh活动所做的准备工作, Samajwadi Party chief Akhilesh Yadav has criticized the Uttar Pradesh government's preparations for the upcoming Mahakumbh event in Prayagraj, highlighting issues with security and local administration. Yadav分享了一段视频, 指出若干关切, 并提议他的政党协助改善局势, Yadav shared a video pointing out several concerns and offered his party’s help to improve the situation, urging swift action to address gaps in preparation. Mahakumbh是一个重大的印度教朝圣活动。 The Mahakumbh is a major Hindu pilgrimage.