萨曼·拉什迪(Salman Rushdie)的《撒旦诗篇》在禁止36年后又回到印度, Salman Rushdie's "The Satanic Verses" returns to India after 36-year ban, sparking free speech debates.
萨勒曼·拉什迪(Salman Rushdie)的有争议的小说《撒旦节文》已回到印度。 After a 36-year ban, Salman Rushdie's controversial novel "The Satanic Verses" has returned to India. 德里-NCR的Bahrisons书商目前可得到有限副本,价值1,999英镑。 Limited copies are now available at Bahrisons Booksellers in Delhi-NCR for ₹1,999. 1988年,根据拉吉夫·甘地的规定,该禁令因其被认为具有亵渎性的内容而于1988年实施,但德里高等法院撤销了该禁令,因为德里高等法院无法找到最初的禁令通知。 The ban, imposed in 1988 under Rajiv Gandhi due to its perceived blasphemous content, was lifted by the Delhi High Court, which could not find the original ban notification. 这本书的回馈引发了有关言论自由和艺术表达的讨论,读者表达了不同的反应。 The book's return has sparked discussions on free speech and artistic expression, with readers expressing varied reactions.