蒙古国开始向乌兹别克斯坦出口活羊,使其经济多样化,超越采矿。 Mongolia begins exporting live sheep to Uzbekistan to diversify its economy beyond mining.
蒙古已开始向乌兹别克斯坦出口活羊,此举旨在促进农业贸易,实现蒙古经济的多样化,因为蒙古严重依赖采矿业。 Mongolia has started exporting live sheep to Uzbekistan, a move aimed at boosting agricultural trade and diversifying Mongolia's economy, which is heavily reliant on mining. 在蒙古总统乌克纳阿·胡雷苏克6月访问乌兹别克斯坦期间商定的倡议涉及出口10万头活牲畜,第一批1 440只绵羊已经运出。 The initiative, agreed upon during Mongolian President Ukhnaa Khurelsukh's visit to Uzbekistan in June, involves exporting 100,000 live livestock, with the first shipment of 1,440 sheep already sent. 然而,牲畜疾病对行业构成挑战。 However, livestock diseases pose challenges to the industry.