尼加拉警方说, 一名来自圣卡瑟琳斯的男子在被报告失踪后被安全地找到. Man from St. Catharines found safe after being reported missing, Niagara police say.
据尼亚加拉地区警察称,据报失踪的圣卡特哈里斯的一名男子被发现安全。 A man from St. Catharines who was reported missing has been found safe, according to the Niagara Regional Police. 没有提供他失踪情况和搜寻努力的详细情况。 Details about the circumstances of his disappearance and the search efforts are not provided. 该社区一直积极协助寻找该男子的安全返回。 The community had been actively assisting in the search for the man's safe return.