Jio支付银行在网上开立账户,使客户更容易获得资金。 Jio Payment Bank launches online account opening, making financial access easier for customers.
Jio支付银行为客户提供在网上开立账户的方便条件。 Jio Payment Bank is offering customers the ability to open accounts online easily. 这项服务使个人能够远程设立其银行账户付款,使金融交易更易于利用。 This service allows individuals to set up their payment bank accounts remotely, making financial transactions more accessible. 对于Udaipur的用户,可从Udaipur Kiran等来源获得当地的指导,以协助开户过程。 For those in Udaipur, local guidance is available from sources like Udaipur Kiran to help with the account opening process.