日本拨款21亿美元,用于到2026年促进其半导体工业。 Japan allocates $2.1 billion to boost its semiconductor industry by 2026.
日本政府计划在2026年3月前划拨约332.8亿日元(21亿美元), The Japanese government plans to allocate about 332.8 billion yen ($2.1 billion) by March 2026 to bolster its semiconductor industry. 这笔资金支持研究、开发和生产,主要受益者是一家侧重于先进半导体技术的公司,Rapidus。 This funding supports research, development, and production, primarily benefiting Rapidus, a company focused on advanced semiconductor technology. 该倡议旨在加强日本的技术部门,减少对外国供应商的依赖,并保持与中国和美国等国家的竞争优势。 The initiative aims to strengthen Japan's tech sector, reduce reliance on foreign suppliers, and maintain a competitive edge against countries like China and the US.