海德堡材料公司提议在南布里斯班建造三座拥有620套公寓的50层塔和一个公园。 Heidelberg Materials proposes three 50-story towers with 620 apartments and a park in South Brisbane.
海德尔堡材料公司已向布里斯班市议会提交计划,在南布里斯班的12 921平方米地点实施一个重大城市更新项目。 Heidelberg Materials has submitted plans to Brisbane City Council for a major urban renewal project on a 12,921 square-meter site in South Brisbane. 提案包括三座50层塔和一座河边公园,共有620套公寓,主要有三至四间卧室和1个河边公园。 The proposal includes three 50-story towers with 620 apartments, mostly featuring three or four bedrooms, and a riverside park. 发展与该理事会推动在该地区建造更高、更密集的建筑物相一致。 The development aligns with the council’s push for taller, higher-density buildings in the area. 该项目将分未指明的阶段交付。 The project is set to be delivered in unspecified stages.