新贝德福德附近越来越多的离岸风力农场引起人们对当地渔业受到的影响的担忧。 Growing offshore wind farms near New Bedford spark concerns over impacts on local fishing.
人们越来越担心扩大的离岸风力农场会如何影响捕鱼业,特别是在马萨诸塞州新贝德福德。 Concerns are rising over how expanding offshore wind farms might affect the fishing industry, particularly in New Bedford, Massachusetts. 当地官员正试图平衡可再生能源的推动与保护重要渔业界的需要。 Local officials are trying to balance the push for renewable energy with the need to protect the vital fishing community. 随着离岸风力农场的增长,这一问题变得更加紧迫,对海洋生态系统和渔业生计的潜在影响提出了疑问。 This issue gains urgency as offshore wind farms grow, raising questions about potential impacts on marine ecosystems and fishing livelihoods.