加纳新当选的国会议员今天开始在线登记, 直至1月6日正式就职。 Ghana's new MPs-elect begin registration online today, leading up to January 6 inauguration.
加纳第9届议会当选议员的登记开始于2024年12月25日的今天, The registration for Ghana's incoming 9th Parliament's Members of Parliament-elect begins today, December 25, 2024, with an online phase, followed by physical registration from January 2 to January 6, 2025. 当选的议员将通过“WhessApp”或电子邮件获得登记细节,并可以与官员联系寻求协助。 MPs-elect will receive registration details via WhatsApp or email, and can contact officers for assistance. 这一进程包括将2025年1月6日的就职典礼运送至独立广场。 The process includes transportation to Independence Square for the inauguration on January 6, 2025.