一名孕妇在印度Rajouri的一家医院死亡后,有五名医生被停职。 Five doctors suspended after a pregnant woman died at a hospital in Rajouri, India.
印度拉乔里政府医学院的五名医生因一名35岁的孕妇死亡而被停职。 Five doctors at the Government Medical College in Rajouri, India, have been suspended following the death of a 35-year-old pregnant woman. 这名妇女怀孕5个半月,在被转诊到医院治疗并发症后死亡。 The woman, who was five-and-a-half months pregnant, died after being referred to the hospital for complications. 另有两名医生和八名工作人员收到 " 说明原因 " 通知。 Two other doctors and eight staff members received show-cause notices. 政治领导人呼吁追究责任,目前正在进行调查,以确定是否有医疗疏忽。 Political leaders have called for accountability, and an investigation is underway to determine if there was medical negligence.